Explore your options, map out a strategy and start building a network!


2020 forced all of us to make unexpected changes. Some of us have had to pivot a lot more than others. If you’re looking to kick-start your career, here are 10 tips that can help get you started on the right path.

  1. Analyze Your Passions 
    The things you love can be clues of your ideal career. Write down a list of your interests then look for commonalities. Whether it’s intricate problem-solving or fast-paced action, this exercise will help identify careers that match those qualities.
  2. Keep an Open Mind
    Every career opportunity could lead somewhere unexpected. What might seem like a boring opportunity might be the start of your dream career.  You can expect plenty of unexpected twists and turns in your career path. If you keep an open mind, you’re more likely to recognize opportunities hidden past those stepping stones.
  3. Volunteer or Intern
    Volunteer work and internships help you gain transferrable skills and discover which aspects of work appeal to you. Win-win!
  4. Make Use of Small Talk
    Find out about the other person’s career. Ask what they do, why they enjoy it, and their pathway there. You’ll discover careers you didn’t know existed. If there’s synergy, throw out your elevator pitch!
  5. Network, Network, Network
    Hate to be a cliche but it is true, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. Careers fairs, networking events and platforms, public lectures, and even family friends and neighbors are all great resources in your hunt for a career.
  6. Learn CV Basics
    Sounding good on paper helps get you noticed. Tailor a compelling CV and covering letter to each potential employer. This is the key to standing out.
  7. Blog About Your Interests
    Employers are always looking for people with passion. And while anyone can claim that they’re fascinated by traveling, not many can point to their years of blogging on the topic. Even if your blog doesn’t turn out to be directly relevant to your career path, it demonstrates that you’re enthusiastic and proactive. Pro tip: Keep your blog clean and not overly controversial. This is something an employer may read one day.
  8. Follow a Leader
    If you’ve identifies a career interest, find people who already do the job and follow them on social media. It’ll give you some insight into what they do and whether it might suit you. Once you’re sure it appeals, try replying to a few posts and make an ask to connect professionally.
  9. Try New Things
    If you’re still in school, it’s the perfect time for self-discovery. Try out some activities you might not naturally be drawn to. If you’ve already graduated, remember that life isn’t all just job hunting. There are plenty of (cheap) events and online communities of enthusiasts to explore.
  10. Ask for Help
    You don’t have to do this alone. There are plenty of people ready to help you navigate the uncertainty, from career advisors to parents and friends. Remember, an outside perspective can help you understand which career paths might suit you best.

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